
Renu Sensitive Multi-purpose Solution Duo Pack

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Brand: Bausch and Lomb

2 x 355mL + 1x Lens Case

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Contact lens solution is one of the many things we wish we would never run out of, but sadly from time to time we do nonetheless. Ordering from our site online makes the buying process much easier and faster in itself, but by choosing a pack like this, you will bring your comfort even further.

The Renu Sensitive Multi-purpose Solution Duo Pack is one of our most popular products, and deservedly so. It is good and effective for any kind of contact lens including soft and rigid, weekly or monthly, simple or complex, etc., while it also has a formula that helps to make your lens smoother under a few hours, so you can start every day with a lens that feels like new.

2 x 355mL + 1x Lens Case